Founder & Administrator
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine & Biologist
Licensed and Certified through the AANMC
(Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges), and NABNE
(North American Board Naturopathic Examiners).
Excelling health professionals dedicated to your wellness journey.
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr.Liz Muñiz, N.D.
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine & Biologist
Licensed and Certified through the AANMC
(Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges), and NABNE
(North American Board Naturopathic Examiners).
Physical Therapist Assistant
Francheska Falcón
Integrative Health Coach
Suría Toussaint
Psychotherapist, LPC
Manena González
Award Winning Company
Lavanda Holistic Clinic was selected as 1st place, Health Innovation and True Self awardee. More than $52,000 in seed capital was acquired by Grupo Guayacan's EnterPRize 2023 Business Competition.
Recognized by prominent judges and institutions that impulse the entrepenurial environment including Grupo Guayacán, MCS Foundation and True Self Foundation.